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Schlagwort: saladoplayer

Archive: OpenPano Download, SaladoPlayer and SaladoConverter Download

Hi folks, many of you visited this page because of my series of tutorials about panoramic photography using open source software. Besides regular and widely known software such as GIMP I used SaladoConverter and SaladoPlayer, the latter also known as…

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Abschalten! Demo am 26.06.2016 am Europaplatz in 360° Panoramen

Diese drei Panoramen sind am heutigen Sonntag am und um den Europaplatz in Aachen entstanden. Der Anlass war die von den Grünen organisierte Demo gegen Atomenergie. „Abschalten!“ bzw. „Abschirmen unmöglich!“ unter diesen Mottos haben heute 4000 Menschen in einer Menschenkette…

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360° Panoramas of 5 Nations Field Tournament in Cadier en Keer (NED)

Last weekend I have been to the Netherlands to shoot the 4th stage of the European 5 Nations Field Series in Cadier en Keer, near Maastricht, NED. The venue is a limestone quarry, still in operation, which has been partly…

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Open Source Panorama Creation – Quick Tip #1: SaladoPlayer and PanoPress


Due to my extensive series of open-source panorama tutorials and the featuring of SaladoPlayer, I recieve mails from time to time, with different questions about the SaladoPlayer and it’s use. I started collecting some of those questions in a FAQ as appendix to the series Panoramic Photography Revealedand will continue to do so, as long as there are still questions coming in. One question didn’t really fit into that FAQ, so I am answering it openly with this post.

The SaladoPlayer and PanoPress – Publish your Panoramas easily in Wordpress

Does PanoPress support panormas made with SaladoPlayer? Yes, it does! Just recently, the developers Omer Calev and Sam Rohn announced the release of version 1.0, which now supports SaladoPlayer. I asked for SaladoPlayer support in the PanoPress forum back in July 2011 and was told that it was already on their to-do list. With version 1.0 support of SaladoPlayer is now official, and as I am pleased to report, is working[…]

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Hinter den Kulissen der Panoramafotografie. Teil IV: Anhang / Häufig gestellte Fragen

Warum sehe ich eine Fehlermeldungen oder einen schwarzen Bildschirm, wenn ich mir meine Tour von meiner Festplatte aus anschauen möchte?

Diese Problem taucht bei sehr vielen Einsteigern auf, es ist aber nicht durch den SaladoPlayer verursacht, sondern durch die Sicherheitseinstellungen des Flash Players. Es ist in der tat möglich, die virtuellen Touren lokal anzuschauen, und die entsprechenden Einstellungen gar nicht mal schwer zu finden:

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Panoramic Photography Revealed. Part IV: Appendix / Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get an error when opening my virtual tour from my local computer instead of a webserver?

This is a very frequent problem and it’s caused by the Flash Player’s security settings. It is in fact possible to set the Flash Player to display panoramas on your local computer, and it’s very easy, too. Here is what you do:

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