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Autor: Tilman

Professionelle Schusszettel ohne Apollon

Hey, mal wieder ein Artikel zu Schusszetteln! Wie aufregend! Literally no one, ever. Ja, richtig. Es ist mal wieder Zeit für neue Schusszettel-Vorlagen. Bevor ich es vergesse. Hey Google: Schießzettel, Schiesszettel oder Ergebniszettel? Wie wärs mit Pfeilzettel, Auswertezettel oder Auswertungsblock?.…

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Tutorial: Generating Reaction Path Diagrams with cantera and Python

Earlier this year, I wrote my master’s thesis about the flame structure in swirl-stabilized industrial gas turbine burners, the role of fuel staging and the effect of the latter on emissions of nitrogen oxides. A simulation with cantera and Python…

15 Kommentare

Archive: OpenPano Download, SaladoPlayer and SaladoConverter Download

Hi folks, many of you visited this page because of my series of tutorials about panoramic photography using open source software. Besides regular and widely known software such as GIMP I used SaladoConverter and SaladoPlayer, the latter also known as…

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Open Source Panorama Creation – Quick Tip #2: Little Planets

Yet another helpful tip for the open source fans in panography out there. This little tutorial focusses on creating high-resolution little planets with hugin. If you like to create so called little planets from your equirectangular 360° image, there is…

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